You misunderstood the question.
For the past 2 years the Western Washington ABFM was held at Marymoor park
after being held for a number of years at BCC. I was rather
surprised to see it back at BCC and wondered if they were kicked out because
all the oil from the British cars killed the grass!
The Vancouver ABFM has (to my knowledge) always been held at VanDusen Gardens
and the Portland one has (again, to my knowledge) been
held at PIR during Labor Day Weekend.
Jerry Oliver wrote:
> Joe
> I think they went to the Van Dusen Gardens in May. I didn't go but I got
> that from their web site Http://, I think. There's also
> information about the one in Portland, OR in September. Jerry.
> ----- Original Message -----
> > Why did they go back to the BCC location? The past 2 years had the meet
> at the park in Redmond (which was a much nicer venue).
> >
> > Did someone notice that the grass died after those events?
> >
> > Joe
> >
> >