"David C.Willett" wrote:
"I am currently attempting to what laughably seems to be called "tune"
the SUs on my recently acquired 1957 TR3A...."
I'm just back from lunch and a stop at the local bookstore, and I
picked up a copy of Jaguar World (gasp)... just because it has an
article on rebuilding SU H6's. Real pretty pictures, sure looks like
the carbs on my car (well, mine look like the "before" picture). It's
the May 2000 issue.
Reminds me, I bought a spare copy of the April 2000 Thoroughbred &
Classic Cars for someone on the list (has a TR4 buying guide) and
then forgot to send it out. If you are the fellow waiting for it,
please drop me a line. TIA.
Steven Newell
'62 TR4 CT5018LO
...according to the buying guide, worth more than my wife thinks. <g>