Well listers, I give up.A full day trying to start the new engine and no
results. Actually, it fired once for a few seconds, then nothing since.
I have spark at the plugs. I'm 99% certain I have the timing basically
right and the distributor seated correctly. Rotor lines up with correct
cylinder. I think the problem is with the ZS carbs. I rebuilt them last
winter, and just stripped them down again. Float height is correct to
the book. All washers in place. Metering needle is centered so that it
falls easily. The engine cranks fast with the rebuilt starter, and after
a few seconds of cranking, fuel pulses out the float chamber vent at the
front ( where the air filter fits). Having set the mixture screw at
three turns open, in accordance with the book, fuel spills finds it way
past it.Clearly I'm flooding the carb, but no mixture seems to be
getting to the cylinders.
Perhaps the throttle is too closed? Wrong O-ring on the mixture adjuster
retaining screw? Bad coil so not enough spark? Why hardly no combustion?
Any idea what I'm missing?
thanks and regards John