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TR4A TransRemoval

Subject: TR4A TransRemoval
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 17:55:39 EDT
People who have BTDT,

It has become evident that the time to renew the throw-out bearing
in my TR4A is here.  My factory shop manual says the trans can be
removed by itself, leaving the engine in place.  I put the car up on
ramps in the front and jack stands in the rear and crawled under
to size up the job.  One of the steps in the manual is "remove
the drive shaft".  That does not look possible due to the large 
flat reinforcing plate at the "X" of the frame.  With both ends of
the shaft unbolted, there is no where for it to go.  Unless the shaft
is out, the gearbox will not have any room to slide to the rear and
off the transmission input shaft.  So what I need to know is:
1.  can the trans be removed by itself, or must it and the engine 
be removed together?
2.  after I remove the trans cover will I see sufficient clearance
to pull the drive shaft out towards the front of the car from the 

Any and all advice is appreciated.  Reply here or at

Barry W. Fox    65 TR4A  CT51681L

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