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Re: TR4 rebuild - various

Subject: Re: TR4 rebuild - various
From: Randall <>
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 08:45:30 -0700
Cc: triumph list <>
References: <>

John Howard wrote:
> 1. How does the oil pressure gauge work? The tube runs from the filter
> fixture to the gauge, but there seems no way for oil to enter the tube
> from the sump. Do I prime the tube separately? What gives?

There is a groove in the filter head that allows oil to run from the
pressurized cavity in the head out to the banjo fitting for the gauge
tube (assuming you have the right copper washer that doesn't fit tight
on the stud).  Should be no need to prime or bleed the tube, any air
trapped in there will simply be compressed by the oil.

> 2. Encouraged by the TRF catalogue, I bought the plastic fan intended
> for the 250, believing their promise that it would fit. Seemed  good
> idea to replace the bulky steel fan with all the little balance weights
> with a nice light, plastic one. Lo and behold, the pretty yellow thing
> juts out too far, not allowing the radiator to reach its mountings. Have
> I done something wrong? Was TRF off base? 

Not sure, but the TR250 fans I've seen would probably not fit my TR3.

> If I have to return to the
> metal fan, how the heck do I balance it...especially since the one I
> have came from a lister (thank you!) while the balance weights came off
> my badly damaged one.

You used to be able to buy a little gizmo to balance lawnmower blades
that should work reasonably well.  Don't know if you still can.  A
bicycle wheel balancer might also work.
> 3. I gather from recent postings that the 96 inch speedo cable available
> from Moss will allow me to avoid buying the angle drive and reach around
> to the takeoff on the OD unit.

That should be the 'correct' setup for a TR4.

59 TR3A

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