Date sent: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 00:14:12 -0500
From: William Elliott <>
Subject: Damaged Rotor/Cap
Send reply to: William Elliott <>
Had to be towed home tonight with the '71 TR6. Just driving along
normally and she started sputtering (like a dying electric fuel pump)...
then conked out. A quick test showed no spark, so I assumed it was my
year old Pertronix. Swapped back to points (I always carry a set.) Stil
no start.
So I check further and discover good spark at the coil, but none at the
plugs. This prompts me to take a closer look at the cap and rotor. The
rotor is cracked and has made contact with the cap, damaging both. (But
frankly, neither looked too bad..I'm surprised I had NO spark anywhere.)
Anyway, no spare cap on hand, so I got a tow home.
Cap and rotor were Lucas and put on last fall... about 700 miles ago.
Any idea why I had this problem?
Bill Elliott
Lake Barrington, IL
Exactly the same happened to me a few month ago with a new
Lucas rotor. A very thin crack at the place where the inner spring is
positioned. One hour before I had the windsreen of my 6 shattered,
it was still the original one, not laminated. So it was my day.In the
mean time I have heard many complains concerning new Lucas
rotors that cracked after a short time of use.But there is always a
good and a bad side. The bad side I had to drive for 2 hours without
windsreen,the good side, I had a spare rotor with me.