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Re: Appology / Warning

To: Graham Stretch <>
Subject: Re: Appology / Warning
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 14:34:46 -0700
Cc: Spitfire List <>, Triumph List <>, 2000 Register <>
References: <002301bfe073$0993b840$4885bcd4@iwnet>
If you don't use Microsoft Outlook, There is no need to worry.

Thank God that these losers only attack Microsoft products!

Joe (Satisfied Netscape user)

Graham Stretch wrote:
> Hi All
> First,
> Sorry but I have just realised that for the last 2 days I have been
> transmitting a virus on my E mails, I don't know where I got it from, and
> only realised after the second time my default signature changed. The virus
> is .kak, and is more correctly a worm.I have cleaned my machine by following
> the directions, so feel safe to send this to you without the risk of
> further spreading the virus.
> Second,
> The fixes for this are complex (to someone like me who is computer
> illiterate) but a step by step description can be found at
> A patch for the loop hole this bug exploits is available at
> this virus uses java script and leaves no trace on its carrier messages, so
> it is no good looking for the file extension before opening a message.
> I am not sure whether it can be distributed through the list as I believe
> from what I have read it relies on html messages and the list requests plain
> text I think.
> Perhaps some of you with more knowledge on this can explain more fully.
> Graham.

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