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RE: TR2/3/4 Haynes Manual

To: "'TR '" <>
Subject: RE: TR2/3/4 Haynes Manual
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2000 01:39:24 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
Geo Hahn wrote:

>I just got one of the "classic reprint" 
>Haynes manuals available directly from 
>Haynes.  This was an unnecessary 
>extravagance for me . . . But Wow! it 
>was sure nice to crack open that new manual.

The members of the Triumph List should congratulate themselves for the fact
that these "classic reprints" are being published. There's not a doubt in my
mind that the occasional discussions of this subject on the list, along with
the emails, letters and phone calls to Haynes that inevitably followed,
resulted in Haynes' decision to reprint this invaluable information. Not to
mention the occasional threats (by persons who shall remain nameless) to
throw caution and copyright law to the winds and make photocopies available
to those who needed them.

Well done, folks!

Jim Hill

PS: As with everything else in life, "this too shall pass". If you want a
library copy of the Haynes TR manuals, this is the time to get one! 

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