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Re: Pertronix Ignitor OLD and STILL running

To: "Kai M. Radicke" <>, "Chad & Ariane Jester" <>
Subject: Re: Pertronix Ignitor OLD and STILL running
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 23:34:55 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumph List" <>, "6-Pack" <>
In the last two years I've run across at least
5 Spits (+ 2 TR6's) that all were running Pertronix Ignitors.

One in particular... 147K miles ...mostly original
4K a summer driver for the last 10 years.
Has an original Per Lux Ignitor still running.
As does my 75 Spitfire. The Per Lux name changed to Pertronix
nearly 10 years ago.

Paul Tegler

-----Original Message-----
From: Kai M. Radicke <>
To: Chad & Ariane Jester <>
Cc: Triumph List <>; 6-Pack <>
Date: Saturday, June 24, 2000 10:40 PM
Subject: Pertronix Ignitor (Was: Running Question / Electrical)

>> Kai, Dave, and List,
>> I have a pertronix ignitor in my '74 great...and has for
>> quite a while.  I planned to get one for my TR6.  What is wrong with
>> them?  Why don't they work well on a TR6?  They are an incredibly
>> simple device.
>> Chad
>Well first of all, when I purchased my Ignitor in Feb of 1999 and installed
>it I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out why the car wasn't
>running well.  It eventually was found that the Ignitor's magnetic collar
>only had four working magnets in it!  I call to Pertronix and they promptly
>sent out a replacement collar.  Tuned the car since then, and it was
>alright... but there have been times with the mysterious misses at highway
>speeds.  And I know when I was running points and condensor from purchase
>the car in Dec of 1998, until Feb of 1999 I had no problems... even though
>this was in the depths of the PA winter.
>I just am not happy with it, and for the $95 retail price I can think of no
>reason to do away with the points and condensor.  I haven't seen any
>improvement from it, and it seems many people's professional opinions of
>unit isn't that great.
>I know it is extremely sensitive to low voltage situatiions.  Also in 1999,
>my alternator decided to stop producing electric, slowly draining the
>battery.  The pertronix was not happy with this, until I rectified the
>with a new battery.  The old battery still had plenty of power to initiate
>the starter and turn the motor over, but the Pertronix just refused to
>At this point the battery was still reading in the region of 11.5 volts, as
>compared to a healthy fully charged battery in the mid 12s and low 13s.
>As I noted in my last message, I think an MSD electronic ignition will be
>soon displacing the Pertronix.
>I'm not entirely convinced that Thursday's running problems were not
>to the Pertronix.  Especially as I had noted I was getting plenty of
>to the coil.
>Kai M. Radicke --
>1966 MGB -- 1974 Triumph TR-6
> (pix soon)

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