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type of grease to use on Aluminium

To: "sujit roy" <>
Subject: type of grease to use on Aluminium
From: David Massey <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2000 13:29:05 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "sujit roy"
>I've seen people use a special type of grease that they use on spark plugs

when installing them into aluminium cylinder heads.  This grease, I'm 
assuming prevents dissimilar metals causing a reaction.  Is there a 
particular brand that I should use here in the states?  Is it also a good 
idea to use it on bolts that go into the cylinder head?
I'm also assuming this grease can with stand extreme temperatures.



I always use anti-sieze on the htreads of my spark plugs.  Even on cast
iron blocks.

80 TR8

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