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Brake binding redux

Subject: Brake binding redux
From: "Roger Colson" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000 00:21:12 -0400
Hello fellow listers,

Just got back from a visit with my TR3.  

You may remember that I had put out a request for help Sunday about 
my brakes binding.

Many responses were received.  The responses brought out three areas 
to check.

1,  Rear brake adjustment.
2,  Master cylinder / pedal box misadjustment.
3.  Brake compensator.

When I arrived at the garage this evening I put the car on jack stands 
and adjusted the rear brakes again.  This time I followed the instructions 
in the Haynes manual for adjusting the handbrake cables.  Every thing 
checked out ok.

Then I went to the pedal box.  There I found that the MC pushrod was 
riding on the pedal stop bolt.  I tightened the clevis on the pushrod until 
the pushrod was no longer riding on the stop bolt.

Took her out for a test drive and no brake binding.  Hooray!  Big GRIN.
Even the rain with no top didn't dampen my spirits.

Now to get her legal.

A big thank you to everyone who replied.


Roger Colson
57 TR3  TS21383L

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