<< Yes I am a rocket scientist. I turned the mixture screw about a half turn
each and the choke can now be pushed in within minutes of starting. The car
idles at about 1000 RPMs smoothly. I have a slight dieseling sometimes when
then car is turned off. What is the cure for that? Dave >>
My '64 TR4 with Strombergs never dieseled but my '63 Volvo 122S with SUs
would diesel for 5 minutes if I didn't 'jamb stop' it with the clutch
(youch). Both sets of carbs had worn throttle shafts and throttle butterfly
plates. (let's in air when it shouldn't) After the local CA carb guy buggered
up installation of new shaft bushings I sent all four disassembled carbs to
New York (Joe Curto Inc.) with some of the parts I bought from Moss. For
$125.00 (including insure/shipping) he rebushed all four carbs and put in
oversize (diameter) shafts in the Srombergs. And he 'dipped' my Stromberg
floats as they had some cracking. And replated the SU linkages in zinc. I
was very happy with the work and now when I turn off the Volvo ignition - it
stops dead.
Carl Sereda
'64 TR4 since '74
'63 122S since '80