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Re: Air conditioner for TR250?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Air conditioner for TR250?
From: "Beth & Ken" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 18:39:33 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
References: <>
Do what I do...teach...lay in the hammock all summer...go to work when the
heat and humidity go away. Hey, you can even avoid the salt...stay home when
it snows more than an inch!

ken shapiro
1970 GT6+ KC81872L

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 11:05 AM
Subject: Air conditioner for TR250?

> Question:
> I live in Southern Kentucky, where the summers are unbearably hot and
humid. I
> am in the middle of getting my car back together, and was wondering if
there is
> anyone that has retrofitted an A/C to their car with one from a current
> (like a Miata/Corolla/Neon)? I ask because I'm sure that A/Cs from TR6/7/8
> probably hard to get a hold of, therefore expensive, and even then, old,
so in
> need of lots of TLC. Go ahead, call me a wuss, but I like to at least not
be a
> big puddle when I get home from work.
> Thanks.

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