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RE: t/r 3 fuel pump

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: t/r 3 fuel pump
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 17:14:28 -0700

Brian Sanborn wrote:
> I wonder if the old pump can be "fixed" to just be a pass-through
> fitting and not allow a leak.

Sure.  Knock out the pivot pin, take out all the guts (including valves), 
then cut a piece of metal (steel, brass, even old beer can would work) to 
go under the old diaphragm.  Cut out the center of the old diaphragm, along 
with the operating post, to form a seal between the new metal and the top 
half of the pump housing.

For a "belt and suspenders" approach, put another piece of metal between 
the pump body and the gasket to the engine block.  That way, even if the 
metal under the diaphragm leaks, the fuel will run out the holes instead of 
into the crankcase.

Then if you want, you can even hide the electric pump in the rear, under 
the body.  If you get a quiet enough pump, no one will know it's there.


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