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waving recognition

Subject: waving recognition
From: Will <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 13:10:35 +0100
>Please don't forget, that sometimes waving to another car can bring gun
>shoots, looking at another driver the wrong way can bring "road rage",
>sometimes you wave and get the "finger" sign in return, maybe these have
>someting to due with recoginiton or lack there of.  "FT"

Gun shots? That's it - I'm buying a Skoda!

Seriously, I've been following this thread with interest, from a UK 
perspective. Back in '83 I changed from a TR7 to a TR6, and loved the 
way ALL TR's from 2 to 6 would wave or flash, it was such a friendly 
vibe. TR's of all types are much rarer now (especially in winter), so 
far this year I haven't seen one whilst driving mine...mostly owners 
of different models or marques ignore each other in the UK. However, 
on a recent 3 day trip to France (where I didn't expect to see a 
single Triumph) I met up with 2 pairs of Stags, and 2 couples staying 
at the hotel with a 3a and Vitesse. Everyone was so friendly it seems 
that once you get outside the UK most Triumph owners acknowledge each 
other, sounds like its that way in the states.

Perhaps also people sometimes don't recognize other models, I recall 
walking down a street with a friend just after buying a Spitfire, we 
saw this amazing cool looking sports car, "wow, what is it?", looking 
at the back I was surprised to see "Triumph" - somehow I'd never 
noticed a TR4 before!
William Davies
1975 TR6 PI

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