Part number 390402W is not in my factory parts manual for GT6 Mk3.
It goes from 321154 to 402759.
Good luck in your search.
I first learned the word "superseded" listening to a British Leyland parts
counter guy talking to himself & swapping microfiches for about 20 minutes
as he grew closer & closer to having a stroke looking for something for my
Original message:
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 09:32:12 -0400From: Douglas Frank <>
Subject: will someone identify a GT6 part for me?Hi all,
Will someone with a factory GT6 parts book please look up a
part for me? (I've loaned my own copy out and can't get itback in time.)
I need to know the Stanpart number for the rear wheel cylinders.
There's a pair up on ebay and I want to identify them before
bidding. The seller identifies them as 390402W but this doesn't
correspond with anything in the Spitbits catalog.thanx!