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Re: Mid-Ohio anyone?

To: john donohoe <>
Subject: Re: Mid-Ohio anyone?
From: "Martin A. Secrest" <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 12:28:34 -0400
References: <>
OK, John, I might accept the challenge, but I'm way too lazy to find out
on my own when mid-Ohio happens.  When is it?

Martin Secrest
73 GT6
72 TR6

john donohoe wrote:

> I may actually DRIVE my GT6+ 5 hours to the Vintage
> races later this month. Turns out I'll get better
> mileage running the wife and kids in the Honda and
> driving the GT6 than If I trailer the GT6 behind the
> truck! May even give the wife a stint in the GT!
> If you see me there, you'll know that my car is a
> daily driver and trailering it anywhere is a question
> of a family of four getting there and nothing else!
> Okay, well, maybe a question of it successfully
> covering that distance under its own power!
> Anyway, I challenge any other GT6's out there to make
> the trip (I don't care how you get 'em there, let just
> have a few more this year!)
> Cheers!
> John Donohoe
> '70 GT6+ KC 81718
> (Damn the classic car insurance limitations--Full
> speed ahead!)
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