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No Brake Lights - Follow up

To: <>
Subject: No Brake Lights - Follow up
From: "Erkan Hassan" <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2000 08:49:52 -0400
First let me give a big thank you to those of you who volunteered to
help me with my brake light problem - Fred Thomas, David Massey, Bob
Labuz, and Brian Kemp.

After spending hours trying to trace down the spaghetti mix of wires,
it was Brian Kemp who provided the key.  Apparently, TR brake lights
only work with the ignition switch turned on.  To date, I had been
pounding on the brake pedal and cursing that the lights did not come
on with the ignition off.  This is quite embarrassing.  Once I turned
the ignition switch on and played with the bullet connectors in the
lights, everything works fine.  The turn signals are another matter
altogether, but thats for another day.

Thanks again for all the words of wisdom and encouragement.  Once
again the List has saved me money and taught me more about the car.  I
am more than happy to send in extra money to support this list
whenever it is needed.

Erkan Hassan
62 TR3B
TCF 536

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