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Re: Intermittent Vibration

Subject: Re: Intermittent Vibration
From: "Butch Lewis" <>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 08:33:15 -0700
Organization: QUALCOMM Eudora Web-Mail (
   I agree with Jochen. I have a much more severe vibration that I have traced 
to my diff (mine occurs at low speed (10 mph). I will probably open it up this 
weekend to narrow down the specific cause. If it is the diff, and you only 
experience the vibration when decelerating, you may be lucky enough that you 
have only poor mesh in the diff that can be corrected with shim replacement.

   63 TR4

john donohoe wrote:
> Okay, I got a vibration question...
> After rebuilding suspension, balancing wheels and
> driveshaft, and all that, I actually have a pretty
> silky ride... under acceleration and engine braking
> deceleration.
> What I'm worried about is during the TRANSITION from
> accel to decel, like if I let off the gas slowly on
> the highway, I get the shakes! I'm sure there's a
> simple explanation... Is it wear in the gearbox? The
> diff? A combination thereof?
> (I'm talking about 50 - 80mph or so)
> Thanks,
> John Donohoe
> '70 GT6+ KC81718
> (today's rain makes me glad I didn't chop the top--yet!)

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