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No Brake Lights and I Give Up

To: <>
Subject: No Brake Lights and I Give Up
From: "Erkan Hassan" <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2000 20:13:00 -0400

All of a sudden and simultaneously, I lost the following on my 62
TR3B:  brake lights (no lights when pedal depressed), turn signals (no
blinking when signal turned on) and wipers (wipers did not move when
button pulled out).

Having no electrical skills whatsoever, I have done the following:
1.  Tail lights replaced.  The lights come on when the light switch is
pulled out, just no brake lights.

2.  Stop light switch replaced

3.   Fuse block and fuses replaced with new block and fuses (25 and 20

The only change is that now the wipers work when the switch is pulled.
 Still no brake lights nor turn signals.

The horn, parking lights (front and rear) and headlights work.

Before I take the car to a shop, I thought I would try the list for
advice.  As I said I have less electrical skills than mechanical ones
but I love the car and want to fix it while learning at the same time.
 However the electrical stuff baffels me to no end.

Is there something easy I am missing? As a;ways the wisdom of this
list is appreciated.

Erkan Hassan
62 TR3B
TCF 536

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