Hi John,
I bet it's a worn out diff. I made the same experiance with my TR6.
john donohoe wrote:
> Okay, I got a vibration question...
> After rebuilding suspension, balancing wheels and
> driveshaft, and all that, I actually have a pretty
> silky ride... under acceleration and engine braking
> deceleration.
> What I'm worried about is during the TRANSITION from
> accel to decel, like if I let off the gas slowly on
> the highway, I get the shakes! I'm sure there's a
> simple explanation... Is it wear in the gearbox? The
> diff? A combination thereof?
> (I'm talking about 50 - 80mph or so)
> Thanks,
> John Donohoe
> '70 GT6+ KC81718
> (today's rain makes me glad I didn't chop the top--yet!)
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