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Re: LBC sited on Guam

Subject: Re: LBC sited on Guam
From: "J. Caldwell" <>
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 21:47:44 -0400
References: <001601bfcb02$fd431bb0$eb2f31cc@DYNSYSFL> <>

Geo Hahn wrote:
> Ken Waringa wrote:
> > Well I'm finally back from my trip to Guam....
> > Have I missed anything of significance (like determining which
> > brake fluid is actually better or which tire is best) while I was gone?
> Ken --
> You'll want to wait a few days, then search the archives for "business ethics"
> in the subject line.  You'll be all caught up in no time.
> Geo H

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