Steve and Janet are greatest. Support them in anyway you can.
Kurt wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I haven't seen this mentioned on the list yet so I'll throw it out for
>general information. Some of you may be familiar with the History Channel
>Great Race. If not, it's a long distance (usually coast to coast or border to
>border) time-speed-distance rally for mostly pre-WW2 cars. This year the
>organizers expanded the classes to include '50s era european sports cars and
>local TRSC stalwarts Steve and Janet Hedke literally lept at the opportunity.
>They already had a '57 TR3 that filled the bill except that it required a
>little work, basically just, you know, remove, replace or rebuild everything.
>They ran a practice race and did quite well and they are primed and ready to
>have a go at this. Everyone should have a look at the route and if you are
>nearby you should try and cheer them on. The route and schedule is shown on
>the Great Race web site
> You can read more about Steve, Janet and "Scrappy" at
> Steve and Janet are going to try and post messages and photos during the race
>and when I find out where I'll post that as well.
> Cheers,
> Kurt Oblinger
> TRSC (Triumph Register of Southern California)