I just installed a new clutch for my Mk1 spit and I have oil leaking
the bell housing and the block plate. I just filled the trans with
oil and the engine and oil pan is empty and clean....
there is also a small drain hole on the bottom of the bell housing
but nothing dripping
from it... and its not clogged....
I could have filled the trans some to much over the plug. would the
oil be
overflowing into the bell housing? I have no idea what it is. I
never had any probs
there before and right now I have a large spot on my driveway. I
driven it since I installed the clutch and I also have the rear
jacked up for
exhaust work but its not to high.....
I checked the book but I couldnt find anything about a oil seal in
the front, just
one in the back.
any ideas advice?
Douglas Hansen
64 spit..... I HOPE to autox this weekend!!!