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Re: Gasoline

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: Gasoline
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Tue, 09 May 2000 15:44:49 -0700
References: <>
jim williams wrote:

> Can anyone tell me the ratio to mix 110 leaded octane
> with 93 unleaded to get a near 100 octane rating?

It's my understanding that it is straight math ratio -- i.e. a 50/50 mix
of 93 and 110 would yield 101½ octane.

Soooo... (93*x) + (110*(1-x)) = 100 solves at x = .588

You would use 58.8% 93 octane and 41.2% 110 octane to get 100 octane.

I've heard that this (mixing octanes) is how oil companies actually get
the various octanes they sell.

I should warn you... I think I learned this on "Car Talk" when someone
wanted to know if they could mix 87 & 93 and get 90 since the average
price of 87 & 93 was less than the price of 90.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
Tucson, AZ

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