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Re: SU HS4s on a TR6

To: Tony Rhodes <>
Subject: Re: SU HS4s on a TR6
From: Shawn Loseke <>
Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 19:37:52 -0600
Cc: Triumph List <>, ":" <>
References: <>
What Aaron didn't tell you was that he already had increased the
compression and was running an uprated cam. He needed the extra flow
from the 2 inchers in a big way. Ran like stink until it blew up on the
track. His new engine uses them too, but with a little less squeeze.
It's not as radical as the grenade was but still goes well. (Aaron would
consider these details though :-) right Aaron)
 I do have to agree with Aaron about there being little difference
between ZS's or SU's as long as they are both in good working order.
They work on all the same principles. So the money might be better spent
on a proper refurbishing of the ZS's. 

Shawn J. Loseke

> <
> I think I disagree with the above statement.  Yes, the HS4s are too small and 
>will choke
> your engine, but JUST slapping on HS8s will not make a significant (any?) 
> unless you have made your engine breathe better by a different cam, and 
> Without the mods, your engine never inhales hard enough to make the piston 
> all the way.  You will therefore get a less accurate mixture because the 
>needle barely moves
> over most of your RPM range (compared to the HS6s).
> Just my 2 cents.  Maybe I am mossing the mark.  I'd appreciate feedback if I 
>am wrong.
> -Tony

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