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Re: re Dual master cylinder

To: Michael Fatsi <>
Subject: Re: re Dual master cylinder
From: "T.R. Householder" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 20:57:15 -0400
Cc: Kevin & Shelley Elliott <>, Triumph List <>
References: <> <>

Michael Fatsi wrote:

> Kevin:
> Thanks. I did look at the Revington site, and yes this product appears to
> be a very high quality unit.  The only problem is that after looking at
> the Revington unit I don't think that it will work since the car I need it
> for is a Swallow Doretti, and while the Doretti and the TR's share the
> same engine and brakes and other mechanicals there just dosen't seem to be
> enough room for the Revington kit in the Doretti. Another solution
> suggested is the dual cylinder from a Spitfire...I don't think that this
> will fit in the Doretti either.
> I know that there are other Doretti owners out there - how have you solved
> this problem?
> -MF
> Kevin & Shelley Elliott wrote:
> > Michael
> >
> > Try Revington TR at They're a top quality shop,
> > but not cheap, still you get what you pay for.
> >
> > According to their (rather ghastly) web site (under specialist parts)
> >
> > LHD (i.e. US spec) 435 POUNDS
> > plus it looks as if you need a pedal box at 59.95 exchange.
> >
> > add postage & it's getting expensive.....
> >
> > Kevin
> >
> > TR3a owner for a while

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