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TR3B on ebay

To: "Triumphs" <>
Subject: TR3B on ebay
From: "Sumner Weisman" <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 17:04:42 -0400
Organization: S. Weisman Associatescharset="iso-8859-1"
There's a clean looking TR3B for sale on ebay, and bidding is already up to
$12,100.  The strange thing about this car is that the DPO (dumb PRESENT
owner) seems to have sprayed everything under the bonnet but the engine and
battery with flat black spray paint.  The firewall, starter solenoid,
regulator, directional flasher, wiper motor, all inside surfaces under the
bonnet, and even all the wiring (!) has been sprayed.  I've looked under the
bonnet of a lot of Triumphs,  but have never seen a car like this.  I would
think it would detract from the price, but it sure didn't seem to.

Sumner Weisman
62 TR3B

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