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A durable and inexpensive TR6 exhaust?

To: Triumphs Mailing List <>
Subject: A durable and inexpensive TR6 exhaust?
From: Pete & Aprille Chadwell <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 07:38:56 -0700
Okay, Okay... I know the answer to this one.  At least I think I do. 
But the Monza exhaust system on my TR6 has got one foot in a grave 
and one on a banana peel.  I get intermittent periods, especially 
when I first start it up in the morning, when it sounds almost as if 
it's got open pipes.  (Well, maybe not THAT bad)  I've known for some 
time that the mufflers were about to go... my first clue was the big 
hole that opened up in the forward and lower portion of each of the 
mufflers.  I noticed this quite some time ago, and incidentally, at 
the time I e-mailed the "Customer Service" department at Pacesetter 
(the folks who make the Monza system) through their website to ask if 
I could order JUST the mufflers from them.  Stupid question?  Well, 
maybe... but that was two years ago and to this day I have not heard 
back from them.

So, for that reason and because I know that Monza system aren't much 
for longevity, I'm going to try to get a stainless system... the OEM 
style.  That's what I WANT.  I guess my question is, for the money, 
is that really the best way to go?  Or are there more durable options 
out there that might take a little more work?  (Rounding up different 
parts, custom fabrication, more obscure manufacturers, that sort of 
thing)  It's lookin' like the stainless system's gonna run me $300 
(in round numbers).

Any clever suggestions?

Oh, and one major factor in this whole thing, and the reason why I'm 
gonna really have to try to pinch the pennies, is that there's a baby 
on the way!  (our first...)  I've had this car for 14 years, folks... 
so far I've been able to justify keeping it (in my own mind) because 
it's really been cheaper or AS cheap to operate it than any other 
car.  (and besides, I'm permanently attached to it!)

Thanks much!
Pete Chadwell
1973 TR6

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