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Re: Future of Heritage Museum UK - longish and unofficial

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Future of Heritage Museum UK - longish and unofficial
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 22:26:23 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: <>, <>
Bill Miller wrote:

Bill Miller wrote:
>A message I received from the Sprite list.....
>John, any truth to this?
>I better order my certificates quickly.....

Daniel1312 wrote to Spridgets list

>I have just read (in a Ford Magazine) that the future of the (BL/BMC)
>Heritage museum at Gaydon may be in doubt.  Ford apparently bought BMIHT
>along with Land Rover from BMW.   The museum might become a
>Ford/Jaguar/Aston museum.
>So, if you are coming to the UK then be sure to visit BMIHT at Gaydon or
>Warwick before it is too late.

John Macartney replied:

While not being an official spokesperson for The Heritage Motor Centre or the 
Motor Industry Heritage Trust even though I am an employee at the Centre, I 
would  ignore
what may have been written in this Ford publication as alarmist hyperbole. I am 
aware that
an article has allegedly recently appeared in a Ford magazine that suggests or 
implies the
future of Gaydon may be in doubt. I further understand that a British author 
and columnist
who is active in the classic car scene may have also expressed a view on the 
future of
Gaydon in a publication that may be Ford oriented as well. Whether these two 
articles are
one and the same - or not, is not stated.
May I suggest to all readers of both these lists that there are important 
distinctions in
the operation of "the Gaydon site" as a whole:

Gaydon, as it is popularly known, has two distinct operations.

One of these is an extensive Research, Development and Engineering Unit 
comprising a large
number of buildings and the former RAF airfield which has been Rover's private 
test track
for many years. It is my understanding that in the event of Ford or any other 
buying Land Rover, some or all of this site MAY be included in the acquisition. 
elements these may be has not been publicly stated to the best of my knowledge. 
I am also
under the impression that neither BMW, Ford or Land Rover has made any official 
on the specifics of this transfer of ownership. Until a statement does appear, 
on a theme are merely idle conjecture and speculation - nothing more.

The other site alongside the R&D unit and test track is the museum and archive. 
these facilities (R&D on the one hand and the Museum on the other) have been 
separate with their own autonomous management structures. Additionally, they 
have operated
independently one of the other and have had entirely separate reporting lines 
different parts of the BMW Group in Germany. In that respect, it could be 
argued that the
R&D site and the Museum site have as much commonality as individual entities at 
operational level as IBM computers and McDonalds hamburgers.

It is clear from the recent announcement regarding the disposal of Rover by BMW 
that the
all encompassing term *Gaydon* and its future, has been entirely misunderstood 
by many
people. The fact that the R&D unit may/may not be acquired in whole or in part 
by another
organisation does not imply the Museum, vehicle collection and Archive would be 
integral part of such an acquisition. Anyone making that assumption and 
circulating it to
the global classic car movement as fact, is making statements in advance of any 
from either the Rover or BMW press offices.
The BMW Board of Directors knows exactly what is going on and when it feels it 
appropriate to make a formal statement on the disposal of any part of the Rover
operations, I feel sure it will. My recommendation (FWIW) is for listers to 
take note of
reports only on radio and TV and to accept those reports as fact if, and only 
if, they
emanate from Rover or BMW media departments. Please ignore anything you might 
read in any
other magazine or that does not meet these important criteria.

Listers should also be aware that the Heritage Motor Centre as it relates to 
the vehicle
collection and archives is a Trust, administered by some prominent Trustees and 
it is also
a registered Charity. Because of this, there are some important legal 
affecting its structure and operations that are clearly defined under British 
Law. Our own
Managing Director has declared publicly and more than once that "it's business 
as usual at
the Heritage Motor Centre" so keep on coming. Come in your classic BL (or 
earlier product)
Jaguar, Aston Martin, Ford, Vauxhall, Alvis, Armstrong Siddeley, Humber, 
Singer, Hillman,
Sunbeam Talbot, Bean, tractor, bus, truck or whatever - and we'll be delighted 
to see you
AND your prized possession.

In a more personal vein, my own view of whatever was written in a Ford magazine 
(and I
have not seen an article I am told was published under the Ford banner) is for 
the author
to report known fact rather than what he/she thinks might take place or has 
taken place. I
believe I know who it is and if I am correct, this is just another of this 
author's 'kick
Gaydon in the crotch' initiatives. We're used to it by now and anything that 
the author
might write about Gaydon that was accurate, informative and soundly argued 
would have the
charm of novelty.

John Macartney

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