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RE: Removing masking tape

To: "Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net" <>
Subject: RE: Removing masking tape
From: "Jack Levy" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 18:49:29 -0400charset="iso-8859-1"
Importance: Normal
I have tried NAPA's Wax & grease remover, Kleen something, PPG's
Acriliclean, WD40, Googone (first thing I tried) and a heat gun and I hate
to say that nothing so far has softened the dried masking tape, the heat gun
softens it along with the paint. I have not Goof off (that fowl smelling
adhesive remover) because last time I used it on a computer monitor it
melted the plastic so ...
Moral of this story, if you ever mask something to paint it, don't leave the
masking tape on for extended periods of time. Goo gone and the the PPG and
Napa product do a pretty good job of softening left over adhesive on the
parts where the tape came off. I'm going to have to sand  the stuff off, and
probably repaint the whole car :-(


-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Michael Ferguson
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000 3:24 PM
To: Jack Levy; Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Removing masking tape

"Goo-Gone" works pretty well for removing adhesive residue, but I'm not sure
how well it works removing the dry, brittle tape itself. As always, test in
an inconspicuous spot first.

Michael Ferguson

>From: "Jack Levy" <>
>To: "Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net" <>
>Subject: Removing masking tape
>Date: Fri, Apr 21, 2000, 11:30 PM

> Does anyone on the list know how to remove dried out masking tape form a
> car? I recently purchased a car that was stored in a body shop after being
> painted and they put tape in all openings and plastic over convertible top
> with tap and never removed it, for 2 years! It stuck pretty good.
> Thanks,
> Jack Levy
> 70 GT6 (body work started)
> 80 Spitfire (in pieces)
> 59 TR3 (on it's way to the bead blasters)
> 80 TR8

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