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RE: Slow battery drain + question

To: "Rob C Swift" <>
Subject: RE: Slow battery drain + question
From: David Massey <>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2000 16:10:14 -0400
Cc: "Triumph List" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Message text written by "Rob C Swift"
>Randall has made some excellent points!  This subject reminds me of
something my father told me a little while back, and I would like to find
out if the list can confirm or deny the following:  He says that a battery
left directly on a metal surface can lose charge through the plastic case
the battery!  You should always have the battery on some sort of insulating
pad.  It sounded a little far fetched for me, but what do I know!


Rob Swift

Old wive's tale.  Perhaps back when batteries were housed in the old hard
rubber cases this was possible, but I doubt that as well.  The new plastic
cases have such a high dielectric characteristic that settign them on metal
or concrete has no effect except that the concrete floor will stay cooler
and the battery will stay cooler which will slow down the self dischage
(which is trivial anyway).


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