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Scans wanted

To: <>
Subject: Scans wanted
From: "Adrian Dix-Dyer" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 17:53:28 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
Hi List,

I hope someone may be able to help me with this one. I have a TR4A which
should have leather seats not Ambla (plastic).
I have found a likely upholsterer to recover the seats in leather at what I
concider a reasonable price ie £150 per seat inc new foams fitted.

Now the help. What I need is a few scans of original specification leather
seats ie to show detail of the stitching and pattern on the vertical and
horizontal surfaces etc.  If I can supply these to the upholsterer I can
ensure originality.

If anyone can help here I would be most appreciative.

Adrian Dix-Dyer
TR4A CT64306

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