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Re: North Carolina law (IMPORTANT)

To: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@ISIS.MIT.EDU>,
Subject: Re: North Carolina law (IMPORTANT)
From: Jeff Johnson <>
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 20:57:20 -0400
I read this with some interest, having been caught red-handed in such 
criminal activity as working on my car whilst it was parked at the curb in 
front of my house.
Our particular ordinance against such obviously anti-social activity was 
passed by fiat, not the way you " Tea Party" lads would do it. I had the 
occasion today to have to replace a battery and a power steering belt on my 
current daily driver,  thinking all the time that should a constable happen 
by, that I would be a two-time loser in the penal system. It cost me $50. 
last time I had to replace the starter that failed.  I noticed on the 
cardboard wrapping of the v-belt had the warning- 'Please turn off the 
engine before attempting work on the belts."

Now, I ask, Is this really necessary in today's litigious society, or has 
it become  the job of municipalities or corporations to protect morons from 

Having a fun week with my '66 Dodge and '89 Mazda,

Frustrated in Springfield, Ohio

Jeff Johnson

At 11:03 AM 4/14/00, Robert M. Lang wrote:

>Obligatory story... my home town passed an ordinance at town meeting (yes,
>a real town meeting, and I go to all of them) that banned storage of more
>than one unregistered car per property.

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