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Compression readings

To: "" <> charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: Compression readings
From: Adrian Jones <>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 21:49:23 -0400
Hi All,
These reading are from my 1275 MG Midget (#1 back-up to my TR3A - of
cracked head fame).
Stone cold engine.
155, 130, 155, 150.
With exactly one teaspoon of engine oil added:
170, 142, 170, 160.

Would the low #2 explain an engine miss?
Would a cylinder head overhaul be beneficial or a waste of time?
(After the TR3 experience,  I think I could pull the head off this before
breakfast and still have time to read the newspaper).

Many thanks for some advice,  Adrian

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