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Re: Gaydon and Rover

To: "Triumph Mailing List" <>
Subject: Re: Gaydon and Rover
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2000 00:13:49 +0100charset="iso-8859-1"
On April 3, Leon Guyot wrote:

>Yesterday at Gaydon, I got a chance to speak to the Managing Director of 
>BMIHT, Fred
>Coulthas,(sp?) and I asked him who now had control of the Triumph name. He 
>advised me
>it was BMIHT, who also have control of all the other old names, apart from 
>Rover, MG and
>Mini. They, (BMIHT) pay at least 60,000 GBP a year to retain copyright control 
>of then
>names as they are a Heritage issue. Furthermore, and with due respect he told 
>me that in
>order of perceived merit, Triumph is regarded by the BMIHT board as number 
>three in terms
>of importance. He did apologise for that.

Personally speaking, I see absoutely no reason why Mr. Coultas, a man for whom 
I have the
highest regard, respect and confidence - should apologise. Leon, with respect, 
(conveniently?) overlook the fact that the Trust has a responsibility for 
TWELVE marque
names - Austin, Austin Healey, Land Rover, MG, Mini, Morris, Riley, Rover, 
Triumph, Vanden Plas and Wolseley. How the Trustees may choose to rank the 
importance of those names is their affair and to suggest they have a pecking 
order does us
no favours at all. For all those working at Gaydon and who have an affection 
for all those
names - which, I might add, borders almost on a neurosis they are all equal 
number one -
period! Of those names, Land Rover, MG, Mini and Rover are current brands 
administered by
BMW while Gaydon has a responsibility to care for the older versions of those 
marques. This is not a two tier or multi-level custodianship.

I have to say as well that your reporting of a conversation with Mr. Coultas 
runs a
serious risk of being grossly misinterpreted by many listers in that the 
Triumph name at
Gaydon holds less 'clout' than two unidentified others. In this respect, you do 
Gaydon no
service at all. Indeed, you run the risk of being perceived to be joining 
forces with a
certain Triumph columnist (for whom I understand you hold scant personal 
regard) who last
year reported in a popular magazine that in his opinion there was a possibility 
Gaydon management would marginalise Triumph. Never was there a more preposterous

> I briefly explained, in the short time avaliable, the error of that line of 

Thank you - but it is you who have made the error, not Mr. Coultas. Just 
because you are a
Triumph enthusiast and see the marque ranked at Gaydon as Number Three, does 
not mean that
you or anyone else should work towards changing a perspective at the expense of
enthusiasts who are just as dedicated to their preferred marques and want them 
at Number
One as well. By doing so, you make our jobs at Gaydon that more difficult to 
achieve and
you needlessly divert us in having to maintain our complete impartiality. We are
impartial because all these makes, without exception, have made unique 
contributions to
the British motor industry history and should in no way be overlooked or 
prioritised and
Triumph is no exception to that rule. Marque favouritism is perhaps inevitable 
at a
personal level but it cannot be allowed and is not allowed to prevail, neither 
should it
be - at a corporate level.

> He understood my feelings. I will say no more, but he did seem like a nice guy
> otherwise!!! (we must keep up the pressure).

Fred Coultas is a nice guy and he's presently trying his damndest to preserve 
Gaydon and
ALL its marques in its entireity. I think he'd be grateful if you didn't try to 
"keep up
pressure." He's got quite enough of it without Sports Six or any other marque 
stirring the brown stuff and jockeying for position in its own or a marque 
self-interest. On behalf of all my colleagues, please desist from circulating 
alarmist hyperbole and let us get with the job of trying to allay mass panic, 
counter-rumour and rabid speculation. God knows, we've been having it by the 
these last few weeks and your report does little, if anything to make a 
difficult job any
easier. As I wrote in SIXappeal last August, Triumph at Gaydon is safe and if 
anyone seeks
to dismember the marque's presence at Gaydon, they'll have to dismember me 
first. Thank
you for your input but may I politely suggest you let us get on with our job of 
custodianship at what is proving to be a difficult time? After all, we are 
rather closer
to the action than you - and your interests together with those of all the other
enthusiasts of whatever make, are most clearly in our focus.


> those of you with minis, BMIHT is getting ALL the old Mini tooling as
>it ceases production in October 2000.

FWIW, Heritage has already taken over all the Mk 4 Mini tooling and has been 
making those
bodies for at least one year - maybe longer than that.

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