Hi everybody. Question about rear IRS hubs. I'm reassembling a semi
basket case car that has had the rear hubs mucked with a bit. On right
side, the large center nut on the outer side of the stub shaft has been
loosened. The manual calls this nut the hub retaining nut. That's the
nut you'd see as you look at the brake drum with the wheel off. In this
case, it's a castle nut with provision for a cotter key instead of a
nylock nut. Since the stub shaft is a taper key, would disturbing the
outer nut impact the end float?? It doesn't appear that it has, but
since at least 2 this. is needed, it's hard to tell without a dial
(which I don't own). On the right side, the crush nut and lock nut with
tab has been beat upon, and the whole nut assembly is loose.
Fortunately, I have another used hub, and only need to install a new
universal to repair this. Any tips in installing same would be helpful.
Jerry Oliver, Olympia, WA. 68 TR250, 66TR4A (2), 62 TR4, 61 MGA, 58
Jaguar OTS.