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Re: TR6 Brake Booster problem

To: "Worthy, John" <>
Subject: Re: TR6 Brake Booster problem
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 20:22:59 -0800 (PST)
Cc: "''" <>
On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Worthy, John wrote:

> I've checked for fluid leaks and have found none.  The problem appears to be
> a leak in the brake booster.  I've noticed that the connector which takes

Sounds more to me like an internal leak in the master cylinder - in the
TR4 master cylinder there is a 'thrust washer' like rubber seal that stops
the fluid from going back into the reservoir when you pump the pedal.  If
the TR6 has one of these seals then it is quite likely that it's leaking.

Take the caps off and have An Assistant (tm) push the brake pedal.
(Before doing this, pump the pedal a few times with the engine off to
remove the vaccuum from the power assist).  If you get lots of brake fluid
backing up into the reservoir then it's an internal leak.

You also might want to wrap old wrags around the master cylinder so that
brake fluid doesn't spill over and wreck your paint.

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