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RE: tragedy-death

To: <>
Subject: RE: tragedy-death
From: "David Moag" <>
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 12:45:48 -0800charset="iso-8859-1"
Cc: "Triumphs Mailing List" <>
Importance: Normal

I am truly saddened by this news. Although I never was fortunate enough to
meet you or Helena, I felt that I at least knew you a bit from some of the
wonderful stories of your lives that you shared with the list. While the
plots always revolved around your LBC, the deep love you shared with Helena
was always the part I would most remember from those stories. I even
forwarded some of them to girls I knew with no interest at all in cars; just
because of the sentiments that you shared. My prayers are certainly with you
both. Hang in there.

Dave Moag
62 TR3B
77 Spitfire
La Canada, CA

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