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Re: TR3 Top Webbing Lengths

Subject: Re: TR3 Top Webbing Lengths
From: Drew Rogge <>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 08:06:36 -0800 "TR3 Top Webbing Lengths" (Feb 23, 8:08am)
References: <H000074507927127.0951314888.kcopmp04@MHS>

When I asked the same question I was told to line up the bows with
the seams in the top. I gave it a shot but there was no way I could
do this and still connect all of the snaps. One guy I talked to
mentioned that the correct way of putting up the hood was to fasten
all the snaps with the top bows down and then raise the bows into
place from inside the car. Sounds interesting but I've never tried it.


On Feb 23,  8:08am, JAMES S BRADY wrote:
> Subject: TR3 Top  Webbing Lengths
> --openmail-part-1aedf215-00000001
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Greetings:
> I'm  getting ready to reinstall my TR3's freshly painted top bow.  Does
> anyone know the correct spacing between the top rails?  I though these
> measurements were in a prior issue of TRA but can't seem to locate.
> All help appreciated.
> Jim Brady
> 1960 TR3A
> 1973 Stag
> Kansas, USA
> --openmail-part-1aedf215-00000001--
>-- End of excerpt from JAMES S BRADY

Drew Rogge

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