My mother had a mangle and always warned me to stay away from it. It
was basically a huge roller that was used to iron sheets and other large
pieces of clothing. Getting your tit caught in one was considered a
minor injury as a number of people lost arms and/or lost their lives for
the sake of having ironed sheets. I always figured that's why they were
called mangles, but I could be wrong about that too.
Bud Rolofson
PS: Saw a good sticker today. If adapted to a Triumph it would say
"Driver Carries No Cash, I Drive A Triumph"
Randall wrote:
> John Macartney wrote :
> <snip>
> > sometimes one gets one's
> > t*ts in the mangle
> Okay, a quick poll. How many listers have any idea what that phrase means,
> or even what a mangle is ?
> <g>
> Randall