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RE: insurance

To: "'Fred Thomas'" <>,
Subject: RE: insurance
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 11:31:56 -0600
Glad we got the Haggerty matter straightened out. But what, exactly, does it
mean when you say that "they frown on dailey driver use"?

All I'd be concerned about is whether they pay claims promptly and fairly.
Why would I care what they "frown on"?

Just curious.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

Fred Thomas wrote:

> Thanks to all who responded to my post about insurance
> premiums/restrictions/milage, I stand completely = "100% incorrect" =,
> Haggerty does not have a mileage limit, as long as you have another car
> your dailey driver, you can use your classic as you wish (they frown on
> dailey driver use), shopping center, vacation etc. etc., also the premiumn
> is extremely low, and yes I am switching over at once to them.  Again
> for any misinformation I may have given, and thanks to all for the big $$$
> savings.  "FT"

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