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Re: Bringing home the TR4: trip report

To: Steven Newell <>,
Subject: Re: Bringing home the TR4: trip report
From: Glenn Rattmann <>
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2000 13:47:54 -0800
At 11:06 AM 02/08/2000 -0700, you wrote:

>On Sunday, I made it home in the "new" '62 TR4 (formerly list member Bill
>Eley's). To those of you who believed it would make the 1100 mile drive from
>Houston to Denver, you were right. 

Great story, Steve.  You're making me long for my 66 '4A I had
way-back-when, which I sold about 1975 with a cracked head for $500.
Thinking back on it, maybe I was the one with the cracked head....

In 1970, my wife and I took my (visiting) sister on a thousand-mile tour of
California, including the mountains and Lake Tahoe, in that car.  That's
right... three of us in there.  Thought nothing of it-- young and foolish,
ya know.  We had a super time and that car was flawless on that trip during
a hot summer.  Well... a little crowded, maybe!
Good luck with the new toy!

Glenn  74.5 TR6 X 2 (one since new)
San Diego 

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