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Re: rivers non-lbc

To: "Andy Dixon" <>, <>
Subject: Re: rivers non-lbc
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 08:36:38 -0500charset="iso-8859-1"
References: <>
Andy, the guy was over the channel, so this made it Wash. D.C. police work,
which is also why it took 5 hours, with D.C. police, nobody has any idea
what is going on.  "FT"
----- Original Message -----
From: Andy Dixon <>
To: Fred Thomas <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2000 8:00 AM
Subject: RE: rivers non-lbc

> Fred,
> You didn't tell them about the fun they had when the guy threatened to
> off the bridge during rush-hour traffic. They were all out there and none
> them knew what to do. After a couple of hours (traffic was stopped for 5
> hrs) they were probably there to keep motorists from throwing him off. The
> bridge Fred is talking about is on I-95 - that side of the beltway - the
> main artery for the east coast from Miami to NYC and it's major choke
> at the best of times. Designed for the traffic of the 60's, the 4 groups
> can't come to agreement on how to update it for today's volumes. At times
> it's so pitiful it's funny.
> Andy
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Fred Thomas
> Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2000 7:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: rivers non-lbc
> The Potomac River which seperates Va. & Maryland, is owned by the the
> of Maryland to the low point of the tide on the Va. shore. Some years
> a few very bright Maryland money people, discovered this and installed
> casinos along the river front in Va., after about 15 years of this,
> changed the law on slots so as they could only be licensed where Maryland
> residents could walk too, and the slots left Va. shores. On the beltway
> 495) that circles around Wash. D.C., the bridge crossing from Va. into Md.
> has a neat situation should a accident happen, the bridge starts in Va.,
> this section is Va. state property, it then goes over a Coast Guard light
> house, this makes it Federal property, it then goes over the Potomac
> this makes it Maryland property, it then reaches the marked main channel,
> this makes it Wash. D.C. (Wash. owns the channel to the light house), it
> then crosses over the river marsh, and this makes it Maryland property.
> Anytime a wreck happens on the bridge, law enforcement has to know what
> section is involved.  "FT"

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