I bought my TR6 PI in October 99. The car came with no history, other than a
jobsheet setting out restoration work completed in 1997. In an attempt to
establish something of the car's history, I contacted Driver Vehicle
Licencing Centre and for a small fee obtained copies of previous
registration documents - 7 in all. So armed with these names I visited Yahoo
People Search and phonenetuk.bt.com (British Telecom). Result - first owner
in 1973 found. I was so excited, I telephoned him straight away. He was
stunned and pleased to hear that the car was still 'alive'. He sold the car
in 1975 and bought another TR6, which he still has - awaiting restoration
following recent retirement from work. We spent nearly an hour chatting,
during which I learnt that my car has been touring on the European mainland,
including a 100 mile dash for the Ostende ferry in just under an hour! My
friendly previous owner has promised to send copies of photographs of the
car taken during its touring exploits, any documents that he may still have
and extracts from his diary.
Result - one happy PO, one happy TR owner and a bemused wife, doing her best
to understand her crazy husband.
Ian Viles (Derbyshire)
73 TR6