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Re: Gas tank coating

Subject: Re: Gas tank coating
From: James Luke <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 13:24:19 -0700 (MST) writes:

<< Moss lists a fuel tank coating (Slushing) compound in their TR-3
 According to the catalog: "this amazing fluid (fliuf) puts a protective
 coating on the entire inside surface of your fuel tank to prevent
 rust...blah, blah, blah."   Has anyone used this product form Moss?  Any
 opinions on the results? It's about $50 for the etching and slushing
 compound.  I looked inside my "61 TR-3A fuel tank (it's out of the car,
 and dry), and all I can see is shiny steel - no rust, debris, etc.  Do I
 need to use this or some similar coating?
 Dennis >>

It sounds like you dont need it.   
I changed a few big rust holes in my tank into many tiny holes via amateur
welding.  (yes you should be very careful about welding gas tanks)
To seal the holes I used a similar product called "Kreem", available at
motorcycle shops for about $20.  It comes in a kit, with a degreaser,
phosphoric acid etchant, and the coating compound.  
After several years, the coating has started to peel off in some places.
One of the pieces blocked off the fuel line causing the engine to run
out of gas (though the tank was full).  This was the only time my TR
has left me stranded.  I fished out the loose pieces and stuck a U-shaped
piece of wire into the end of the fuel line so that any further pieces of
compound cant block the line.  At least it doesnt leak.
Maybe the Moss compound works better, and maybe it doesnt...

Jim Luke
66 TR4A

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