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transmission woes

To: Triumphs <>, spitfires <>
Subject: transmission woes
From: Douglas Frank <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 17:27:13 -0500
Organization: Center for Post-Apocalyptic Computing
I've been working on the gearbox, all the live-long day.
I've been working on the gearbox, the laygear's blown away.
Can't you hear the cluster grinding, hear that bastard howl?
Can't you hear the neighbors shouting, "Clear that junk out NOW!"

Damn it don't ya know, damn it don't ya know,
the only thing that works's the horn?
Damn it don't ya know, damn it don't ya know,
the only thing that works's the horn?

Someone's underneath a Triumph, someone's underneath I know,
someone's underneath, somewhere in the world, lying in the snow.
And he's singin': "Fee, fi, fiddley-i-o,
This car is the fiddleyist thing I know!
I'd trade it for a two stroke Saab, but brother-in-law would know!"


I've been working on the gearbox, all the live-long day.
I've been working on the gearbox, the laygear's blown away.
Buggered up the tranny, shifting, can't get home no how...
buggered up the tranny, bitching, what the hell's wrong now?
"Clear that junk out NOW!"

Douglas Frank  Compaq Computer Corp.  Friendship, n.
ZKO            110 Spit Brook Rd.     A ship big enough to carry two in
603-884-0501   Nashua, NH USA 03062   fair weather, but only one in foul.

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