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Subject: Rotors
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 23:19:32 EST

I converted my TR3A over to TR6 Calipers and rotors.

I had a choice of rebuilding my TR3A calipers or taking my TR6 components off 
of the shelf, as they were already freshly restored.

You need the TR4-6 rotors which are smaller in diameter, the calipers as they 
match the diameter of the rotors, and the mounting brackets...and dust shield 
if you choose to use them.

I removed a very good set of TR3A rotors, freshly turned, and measure .500 in 
thickness. Includes is stripped , primered and painted dust shields.
I also have the hubs with recent bearings. They are available for sale.

If you do not need or want these components perhaps someone else does.

Side bar: As I know you are from Waterloo Ontario, let me tell you this 
story... I was on a flight from O'Hare one time and I heard a guy tell the 
Flight Attendant,  What do you mean we are going to Waterloo, Iowa? I have a 
speaking engagement in Waterloo, three hours. Guess he didnt 
make it 

Joe Alexander
Waterloo/Cedar Falls, Iowa

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