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Re: TRF _Future_

Subject: Re: TRF _Future_
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2000 00:03:59 -0500

Weeks behind, as usual. FWIW, I'm getting lots of work done on my cars this
winter. I don't think I've ever got this much time into my cars in January...

At any rate, chiming in on the ongoing TRF discussion.

In no particular order - RIGHT ON RALPH J. You hit the nail on the head
with your comments. To echo the major point, venting on this forum does
very little good in solving any issues that anyone has with any vendor.
Period. If someone has a problem with a vendor - they should try to resolve
with the vendor.

Bill G.: what parts does TRF have that aren't available any more??? How
about the less than 100 original NOS TR6 engine blocks. It's a start. How
about big TR 1st/2nd synchro hubs?? Think those are easy to come by? Have
you ever had your tranny fail. There are many examples. If TRF doesn't have
what you need when you need it, try to make a case _to them_ about. I
figure from your comments that you're a Wedge owner - and I think I
understand your parts issues availability thing. If you are satisfied with
Rimmer or whoever - good. GREAT!

To the list in general - I've stated this numerous times - as a 30 year
Triumph owner, I can say that parts availability is better now than when
these cars were new. This is especially true for tractor motor TR's, as
Triumph more or less abandoned parts availability when those cars were 10
years old or so. If you don't think so, notice how many "clubs" started up
in the mid-70's. Let's see - VTR, TRA (both in '74, I believe) and many
local clubs - including the club I primarily associate withm New England
Triumphs (1977). Back then, TR3 owners in particular had a heck of a time
keeping thier cars running.

And wouldn't you know it - that's also when TRF and other business started
up. Hmmmm, supply and demand.

The issue now is that most of the vendors have seen a market that has not
grown as big as they may have planned - that coupled with more vendors has
led to the current situation. But these are general business issues.

That's all easy stuff, no rocket science there.

But please try to picture a possible scenario... one of the "big two" (I
don't necessarily consider V.B. to be a big player) goes out of business.
This would be bad for everyone. EVERYONE. Now picture this: you need
consumables for you Triumph and there's only one source. Hmmmm. Think the
prices will be as affordable as they are now??? To quote a friend - "the
Wolves will be tearing down the walls".

At that point, a lot of us won't be able to play with our Triumphs anymore.
And that will be a tragedy, IMHO.

So - try to vent to your supplier, it might make a difference. Really.

FWIW, in the early 80's, I wrote several letters to TRF - you know what?
They did make a difference. To wit: replacement frames, body shells,
"factory stripes"... these were all topics that I took time to write to the
vendor about. I'm sure that my input was not directly responsible for these
things, but it sure helped.

And in the mid 70's we had to backorder stuff from Triumph. Lot's of stuff.

It's a way of life.


Bob Lang      | TR 6 Guy           | Editor: New England Triumphs
Phone:        | 617-253-7438 (days)| 781-438-2568 (eves)
Occupation:   | ComputerZ          | TR fixer-Upper

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