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41 Listers on the Triumph members photo pages

Subject: 41 Listers on the Triumph members photo pages
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 19:37:53 EST
41 Listers on the Triumph members photo pages and rather more Triumphs!

Wow, that is encouraging, I knew that was a good idea! 

A big vote of thanks must go to Dan for all his work, so far.

It really is nice to see all those cars, and some of the folk on this list.

Please keep up the good work, and continue to send Dan more photos and a 

We are all, I am sure, looking forward to seeing all the rest of you, and 
your cars on the photo pages. Come on guys, a lot more than 41 of you 
contributed to the bio thread!!!

Show us your cars, restored, in bits, unrestored whatever, we don't mind!

You know what to do.
One Life, Live It.


Triumph Sports Six Club 
International Liaison Secretary
1963 Triumph Vitesse 2-Litre Convertible 
Wimbledon, London, England.

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